QUARTAS-500s is an aspirating smoke detector especially developed for small areas employing revolutionary and cutting-edge technology which results in very early smoke detection and absolute peace of mind especially in mission-critical areas such as UPS, DCR, Cold Storage where downtime results in exorbitant expenses by the minute.
Most early warning fire detection product claim a very high sensitivity smoke detector to protect a large area whilst often falling short of promises; while QUARTAS-500 aims at protecting the appropriate area size for which it is developed, ensuring accuracy anytime and every time.

The QUARTAS-500s provides drastically better performance of very early fire detection and better ammunity to false/unwanted alarms, than any other competitor in the market
AVA uses high-power, short-wavelength blue LED as the detection light source. It is very sensitive to small smoke particles generated during the incipient stage of a fire, at which time the smoke is invisible to human eyes. The highest alarm sensitivity of AVA high sensitivity smoke detector is 0.005%/m, which is 1000 times more sensitive to conventional point type smoke detector

Due to the nature of ASD systems, all air samples from all the sampling pipes are drawn to a central detection unit for smoke elevation. Usually, the system cannot identify where exactly the smoke is originating from because the smoke diffuses into cross zones. This profound issue is addressed by the cutting-edge AVA prevent Quartas 2000 system.
One of the advantages of QUARTAS-2000s is it has four independent aspirators; each aspirator is connected to its pipe inlet. Therefore, it can easily identify the smoke origin simply via the front display to see which pipe has the highest smoke level.
QUARTAS 2000s usually protects a large area. Larger areas entail difficulty in isolating the source and origin of the fire making the search for the fire cumbersome. With AVA’s patented pipe scanning technology the pipe which detects the fire is highlighted immediately and automatically, thus the search area is cut down to 1/4 of the protected area, resulting in easier access for fire personnel and streamlined consolidation of evacuation procedures.
• Very early warning smoke detection
• 10 speed aspirator (More nuance and flexibility
• Highest sensitivity range as compared to alternatives
• AI assisted algorithmic and patented sensitivity calibration
• Greatly enhanced coverage area per ASD panel
• High power Blue LED as a detection methodology, proven to be superior as opposed to traditional methodologies
• Data Centers
• Atriums
• Cable Basements
• Server Rooms
• Cold Storage
• High Ceiling Warehouses
• Logistics Facilities
UAE Civil Defense, FM Approved